
Jack White to Young The Giant

Yesterday was a musically enlightening day.

I had never really gotten into Jack White’s style of music until recently when i saw bits and pieces of the ‘It Might Get Loud’ movie wherein he easily comes across as the most alternative musician ever. In the true sense of the word that is. It didn’t take much for me to immediately download his new solo album ‘Blunderbuss‘when i saw it on the alternative charts on Amazon(yes i still find new music on Amazon).

Thing about this guy is that he s crazy talented like Neil Young. But he can really sing if he feels like it. Just that his belief in recording music is in the fact that it should stay RAW. It is quite amazing how he manages to translate that rawness of his sound to the listener. Believe me it is VERY difficult to actually translate what you mean through the means of a recording unless you are a genius producer like Mr.White here. It either gets too raw to sit through or it starts getting complicated and sophisticated and in the end, fornicated. Actually ‘fucked’ is a better way to say it. Anyway, this record has all the makings of an ear worm. In your face everything. Performances, words, tonalities, mix, is all there. JUST for a moment i got a bit overwhelmed with all those attributes of this record but i was back into feeling the music just in time. And it felt frikkin awesome.

Meanwhile I also saw this interesting looking album called ‘Young the Giant‘ . DOWNLOAD. I didn’t think i would last beyond 30 seconds on anything after Whites CD. WRONG. These guys are just too beautiful to be paused or stopped once they have started. Amazing amazing sound. Indie but just in the right space for anyone in the world to love. Fantastic recording and mix. Just the best I have heard in many years. This is the sound I would aspire to get with one of my bands. Not overdone, just right. I had to switch the album off midway as I had to rush for a meeting but I cannot wait to have some head space to get back into these two records. Words are not enough to describe the massive yet cool messages that they are putting across.

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